Natural pigments can be safer for health and do not contain toxic chemicals.

Advantages of using natural pigments in epoxy resin:
Natural pigments are a more environmentally friendly and sustainable option than synthetic pigments
Natural pigments can offer a wide range of colors and unique effects.
Natural pigments can be safer for health and do not contain toxic chemicals.
Disadvantages of using natural pigments in epoxy resin:
Not all natural pigments are suitable for epoxy resin, as some may affect the viscosity or cure time of the resin .
Natural pigments can be more expensive than synthetic pigments.
The quality and consistency of natural pigments can vary by supplier.
It is important to remember that when pigmenting epoxy resin, the manufacturer's instructions should be carefully followed.
What precautions should be taken when using natural pigments in epoxy resin?
When using natural pigments in epoxy resin, some precautions should be taken to ensure that the curing process of the resin is not affected and that the end result is as desired. Below are some precautions to take when using natural pigments in epoxy resin:
Use pigments that are compatible with the epoxy resin to ensure that the natural curing process of the epoxy is not affected.
Choosing a good epoxy pigment supplier is essential when working with epoxy resin.
Plan the amount of epoxy resin needed for the project.
Add the pigment carefully to avoid affecting the viscosity or cure time of the resin
Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and use proper protective equipment such as gloves, mask and goggles .
Experiment with colors in small quantities before applying them in the final project.
It is important to remember that by using natural pigments in epoxy resin, unique and sustainable results can be obtained, but precautions must be taken to ensure that the curing process of the resin is not affected and that the final result is as desired.