Yes, it is possible to use natural pigments to pigment epoxy resin.

However, it is important to note that not all natural pigments are suitable for epoxy resin, as some may affect the viscosity or cure time of the resin.
Examples of natural pigments that can be used to pigment epoxy resin include mica powder, tourmaline powder and pearl powder.
It is important to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and use proper protective equipment when working with natural pigments and epoxy resin.
What types of natural pigments can be used to pigment epoxy resin?
There are different types of natural pigments that can be used to pigment epoxy resin. Below are a few options:
Mica powder: mica powder is a natural pigment that can be used to color epoxy resin.
This pigment is highly concentrated, so very little is needed to obtain a rich color.
Tourmaline Powder: Tourmaline powder is another natural pigment that can be used to pigment epoxy resin .
This pigment can be found in different shades, from pink to green .
Pearl powder: pearl powder is a natural pigment that can be used to give a pearly luster to epoxy resin.
This pigment can be found in different shades, from white to pink.
It is important to remember that when pigmenting epoxy resin with natural pigments, you should carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and use appropriate protective equipment such as gloves, mask and goggles.